Things left to do before everything will be good enough to hand in...
- Animating the ident at long last - the lecturer is in today and has offered assistance so I can learn how to make the animation go how I want it to. (I've been having problems related to a lack of expertise in Cinema 4D particularly)
- Sound design for the ident - this involves shouting "weeeeeeee" and other wierd noises at a mac and finding a pinball sound effect... more on this later as to why...*
- Final finishing touches for Ident - then rendering so it is ready to look beautiful and all that...
- Finishing off the Morph animation...
- Printing out all the paperwork and binding it (for both modules)
- Making sure everything is cohesive, readable and tidy before giving it in asap.
* as I was saying - Pinball SFX... yes the idea has been somewhat edited - the characters are all going to fall into the scene while a counter in the bottom left corner counts how many there are... as the numbers increase beyond the counter's ability it starts to malfunction before the screen shuts down only to start up again with some form of technical fault page that's overlaid with the E4 logo flickering and being all glitchy...
anyway - off to work...