Monday, 30 April 2012

So I got a tattoo request...

This is the design for a tattoo for my friend David, he wanted a Native American Indian style tattoo with a bear, its paw print and feathers from some kind of dream catcher =D
Quite happy with how it has turned out... Hope is he likes it...


Must think of something with which to update...

Opens pictures, searches for something remotely interesting to report on...

I have a character sheet that must be completed for my 3D character as soon as humanly possible which I can upload the pencil drawings for - but be warned they're pretty rough...

My character is Bear... a tiny young boy who dreams of adventure in the gigantic world out there... His little head pokes out from under a dandelion fluff of hair... It is probably going to end up being blue...

but yeah


Tuesday, 24 April 2012

3D Character - the rig that failed

The legs stick out of the shorts, the arms likewise to the t-shirt, the feet aren't bound correctly to the rig and I am lacking a foot roll... Fixable things - hopefully... I'm tired - that is all...


Thursday, 19 April 2012

3D Character

Okay so I've never used the hair in cinema 4D before - we haven't been through it in class... Despite the fact it's not exactly amazing stuff here I'm just glad that I'm getting to grips with it =D

I'm going to enlist one of the lecturers' help tomorrow provided Dave is no longer ill and Paul isn't busy...

Evidently the character has changed again... this is because I was not only having problems building the face for the fairy character but I was getting sick of her... I drew this little guy in my book for something else - a tiny character that was hanging onto the seed of a dandelion while it took flight... I really like him and think I could do alot with the character in regards to little stories I could carry on... like Phileas... big success story is Phileas xD I'll get round to it I promise...


Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Return from Germany - Pictoplasma

So Pictoplasma was great, it gave me a boat load of confidence - especially seeing the artists behind some really amazing work as human rather than some super-animating being I could never work toward myself.

I enjoyed the screenings of animations each morning, which made me sometimes wish I had thought them up, and everyone there doing talks seemed really friendly, open and encouraging. The artists in this years pictoplasma were inspiring and I wouldn't be surprised if some of those talented people in my class appeared at another conference in the future - something I would look forward to hee hee.

By the way:

If anyone who attended pictoplasma, picked up one of the felt monsters from Joshua Ben Longo's workshop that wasn't yours, made off with it and are reading this now - we are all very disappointed in you. Some of the people spent 3 days straight building these little felt monsters and during the after party, many of them disappeared, including several from my colleagues and even my own. My colleagues and I spent at least 4 hours sewing these characters, and returned on Sunday to retreive them... Only they were gone...

I am more annoyed about other peoples'; mine wasn't particularly my favorite thing in the world but my classmates were devastated. I would also be furious if I heard that the heavily pregnant woman, who was making a felt monster for her unborn child, didn't get hers in the end. Some people can be right troglodites!!

Anyway, life goes on, college stops for no tired student...


Sunday, 8 April 2012

Illutration Friday - Vocal

-'A very vocal Strawberry'

Pictoplasma trip on Tuesday!!! ^_^

So I've been busy preparing for Pictoplasma - getting excited and such... But all the while I have been drawing, even on my bag... I may upload my pictures on here - it's like my own screen printing business only I'm not using silks or printing ink but a silver pen and a sharpie... ¬.¬

Anyway I've been looking at the Illustration Friday topic again and this weeks is 'Vocal'  - so my attempt is a very vocal strawberry... I've had a sneak peek at a couple of the other entries which are all awesome so I feel insignificant entering this but I think I will anyway =D

'A very vocal Strawberry'


Sunday, 1 April 2012


I'm really enjoying using the smudge tool in Photoshop =D

I was looking into drawing Ravens because of many things - connotations within Norse mythology, superstition and the fact they pair up for life being a few of them... As well as of course kinda liking them...

In Norse mythology, Odin had two ravens, one called Huginn (Thought) and the other Muninn (Mind/Memory), they used to steal peoples thoughts and memories and bring them to Odin as information... I'm not sure but they may have also been able to make thoughts and memories clearer? and they could talk!! =D

