Just a little good morning to everyone,
I've done some mental maths... I can assure you it's more mental than it is maths that is for certain, but I feel I may have over half of my animation complete in time for hand in next week. Today I will be animating as many animated assets as humanly possible in a day and the remaining elements will be completed over the weekend, this gives me time next week to play around with basic sound effects and prepare everything to be handed in... I'm feeling quite optimistic though that might be the sleep deprivation talking.
I'm unsure about how ready the music will be for the background but I'm sure even if it doesn't get done in time for this stage of hand in I'm sure it'll be fine and ready for the eventual hand in :) I am admittedly behind otherwise music could already have been done but lets not dwell upon that and focus more on the positives :)