Thursday, 14 February 2013

Quick update because lying awake at 4am is more constructive this way...

Just a little good morning to everyone,

I've done some mental maths... I can assure you it's more mental than it is maths that is for certain, but I feel I may have over half of my animation complete in time for hand in next week. Today I will be animating as many animated assets as humanly possible in a day and the remaining elements will be completed over the weekend, this gives me time next week to play around with basic sound effects and prepare everything to be handed in... I'm feeling quite optimistic though that might be the sleep deprivation talking.

I'm unsure about how ready the music will be for the background but I'm sure even if it doesn't get done in time for this stage of hand in I'm sure it'll be fine and ready for the eventual hand in :) I am admittedly behind otherwise music could already have been done but lets not dwell upon that and focus more on the positives :)

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Extra origami

If anyone wants me to try and post the instructions on how to make these let me know and I'll try...
With the help of a hair pin I managed to make smaller roses - it's always a fun challenge to me to try and make my origami smaller and smaller to see how small I can fold something and still have it resemble what I was intending to make at the end...

A little origami to brighten up the day - or rather night...

Thanks to a newspaper article from Kirsty Allsop that I will need to acquire from my grandmother to credit sufficiently I have managed to make a rose out of paper - this is two of such roses I managed to fit together in a sort of reverse flip of the Tudor rose which I'm pretty happy with - especially since I did this after reading the instructions a half hour ago and haven't looked at since...
So yeah, flowers make pretty awesome procrastination projects :)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Link to Vimeo

Blogger is taking way too long to upload a simple video... it's only a few seconds long but it has been uploading for over an hour almost... so I shall post the link to the video on Vimeo...


Monday, 4 February 2013

Iss - shoes

So I still am finding it mega hard to draw even the simplest of things... it is MOST frustrating to say the least...

However since I am finding it hard to work on my backgrounds I have bought a book that should help me...

This is a review of the book - I thought it would be a good idea to post this so you first of all catch the name of the book but also get an idea what it's about and how helpful it could be...

I think it's really inspirational - I want to just start all of my backgrounds again and make them look like this - something I would totally do if I could make anything I do look anywhere near nice... :(

Working on it in any way I can though - this animation WILL be done at least to the point where I can hand it in and not fail the module - then I can start over if I want so it can look nice and then I can finish the whole damn thing...