Monday, 29 April 2013
Paul Hess illustration task
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Friday, 26 April 2013
Quick update
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
I really like the 110 Special Black artwork on the shop page some of which I have posted from the site... I especially like the panda t-shirt...
Monday, 22 April 2013
Scraperfoil work
I bought some Scraperfoil from Wilkinson tonight because I was having trouble drawing and concentrating today... I feel the tasks I have given myself worked out pretty well, I thought the gold foil tester square would be good for the metallic look of a dalek - it was good fun... More to come hopefully - I have like three more rainbow boards :D
Sunday, 21 April 2013
I had my interview with Newcastle college on Friday - I'm not sure how it went. I may have been reading the situation negatively and so perhaps I'm wrong but I got the feeling the interviewers weren't convinced. I guess I shall find out soon enough either way and I'm not going to dwell upon it. I have momentum to gather up to get the work for THIS year done before hand in week - I still want to be ready at least a day or so before the day so I can bind everything properly and hand in un-rushed. :)
Monday, 15 April 2013
Storyboards done
As I mentioned on my facebook page - which has changed address to
"I do not mean to insinuate Awesome does not grace other Dojangs too I'm just trying to sell the UKTC North East's ones... xD
Target setting
1. Incidentally I need to set myself more targets so voila! (Now)
2. Add more to my portfolio (And Show reel) for my interview on Friday e.g.. life drawing work etc. (Friday)
3. Storyboard my Future Lions competition entry and have an animatic done. (Tuesday)
4. Discuss inspirations for the posters (I need to discuss more inspirations) (Friday)
5. Discuss more inspirational stuff on here... (Ongoing)
6. Treatment for Future Lions. (This Tuesday or next depending on how much you can fit into a week)
7. Posters (Next Thursday)
8. Editing Future Lions (Next Friday)
9. Bake Chocolate Chip Ninja cookeis for a friend's birthday. (Wednesday)
10. Be ready for my interview on Friday. (Duh Friday)
I also need to work on CV's, Business Cards, Paul Hess Illustration work, Tee Party T-shirt designs, Greyscale Gorilla 5 second animation if time, and designing a monster for the new project Dave introduced to us this morning...
Next tasks today is Portfolio work and Storyboarding... Cheers
Friday, 12 April 2013
Having got carried away with Pokémon character hats
After much hard work trying to resist the urge to make a tiny prototype out of felt, I finally caved and spent several hours sewing myself a keyring sized magikarp - I'm missing some googly eyes and yellow moustache strings but otherwise I would say I'm pretty darn proud that the pattern I made from scratch actually worked :) chuffed
Also I've included the other characters I've tried turning into hats and such - some of them are pretty terrible but I was really just enjoying drawing them :)
Hats off to whoever thought of this before me x3
Okay so this morning my Auntie was talking about hat knitting patterns and I got thinking about the fish hat I bought my little sister a while ago - the idea struck me that my Pokémon playing friends would appreciate the idea of a Magikarp hat like it so set about designing my idea on paper... It was then brought to my attention by my brother that this idea is already a 'thing' and so my awesome idea isn't actually original :( but I did enjoy drawing another Magikarp nevertheless xD
I felt I should share this with you...