Friday, 30 March 2012

I like this picture =P

I started out wanting to try drawing a tattoo design - it turned out different but I like it x3

It was originally black on a white background when I first drew it in MyPaint but I inverted the colours in Photoshop for better effect =D

Happy mistake,

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I think I like the smudge tool a bit too much x3

Enjoying the benefits of the smudge tool =D I like the effects it can give =D


Photoshop fun...

Okay, I was messing around in Photoshop, trying to create a smokey effect which I ended up making look a bit more like fire - I like it but it makes me think more of the Hunger Games and Witch and Wizard book covers.

I wanted to make the effect more like Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series covers but it doesn't really. So I think I'm going to lie and say I intended to make this image in honour of the upcoming Hunger Games film release; the face was just a happy accident but I'm going to say I intended to draw the face of the character, Catniss in the fire... yeah...

These are the relevant imagery to show you what I mean in this post of drivel, obviously they all have a quality and awesomeness my work could only dream of...

If not anything else I have at least given you a clue towards what kind of books I like to read...


Monday, 26 March 2012

Today's update - I'm beginning to see editable polygon points everywhere D:

The decision has been made - I'm changing my character for the 3D character model... I've been working on the fairy character, it was working but it is getting too complicated. I have learned how to model a character from this little project so now it is time to get the practice out of the way and build the proper model I will then rig... I intend this to happen within this next week so stay tuned...


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Trees make terrible baby sitters....

Okay so the task for our group in contextual studies was to create an animation in the style of Lotte Reiniger. The storyline was to be based loosely around a traditional Russian lullaby,

Baby, baby, rock-a-bye
On the edge you mustn't lie
Or the little grey wolf will come
And will nip you on the tum,
Tug you off into the wood
Underneath the willow-root.

This was what our group, consisting of Ingrid, Andrew, Leonie, Dan and myself, came up with =D

Pretty damn happy with how it went =D I'm stuck between Andrew's tree kidnaper and Ingrid's mushrooms as my favorite aspects... I'm proud of how well we work together as a team =D


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

It rigged!!!! =D

Okay so here is the final rigged walk cycle of my Top Hat...

I'm quite happy with it =D
More later I can imagine...

Monday, 19 March 2012

On the first day of rigging-a-character-mas my true love gave to me...

... a shot gun with which I could kill myself...

This is too complicated to be trying to learn this early on a Monday morning Dx

But from what I have gathered the process of rigging is long and arduous but if you get it right - you'll reap the benefits when you finally get it all up and running...

This is the character I built in this session, we didn't have time to animate it today so sorry no moving pictures today x3

Cheers  =D

Saturday, 17 March 2012


Fill your boots man!

Onto completely unrelated stuff now -

After so much work on the 3D face we were given the task to create in Cinema 4D I thought I'd upload what I have so far on here...

Quite happy with how it's going - this whole modelling with points is simpler than I anticipated... Think I can perhaps work more on the shape of the jawline and such but for a first go I think it will suffice =D I believe we will be learning how to use symmetry and the weld tool in the next week which will mean this face can become whole rather than just half...

Anyway the real reason I wanted to post something today was so I could end the post in a different way...



Tuesday, 13 March 2012

3D character work

We also had some work in cinema 4D that I didn't manage to upload yesterday, we were learning how to build characters using elevations as blueprints - this is how mine has been going - I have about half of my character done... I need to learn how to mirror the object to make the other half then I can say I'm almost there...

Something needs to be done about the face perhaps but as it has been said, this may even just be a practice run before we actually get onto building the character.

So here goes...

It's SORT OF starting to look like my character... It's work in progress though...


Pixelation topic - contextual studies module practical

So today we had fun making an animation in groups, using pixelation as the theme. This was what our group ended up with =D

We had about an hour or so to capture our efforts and I think we did quite well. I'm proud of how much we got done and I think the continuity of it shows how good we can work as a team under pressure - well done team I think =D


Sunday, 11 March 2012

Messing around with ma duckies ^-^

So I wanted to try dropping the duck-like characters into something like a glass - just as an extra something to do because I like the idea... It took some fiddling about and such but I'm glad to say I managed to render something =D


Thursday, 8 March 2012

Now that this module is finished =D

So... here's the long awaited animation.

I don't like the sound and it could be miles better generally but this is what has been handed in.

It will be changed for the better before I give it into E4's competition but for now it shows pretty much how I want the animation to go down so great stuff.
Just felt the need to upload it,


Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Having handed most of my work in...

Infuriatingly, I am still working on my final animation for the E4 ident the week after it was due to hand in.  I have had to re-build the scene twice, render the thing at least 4 times before noticing mistakes in each and I'm still not finished.
Currently I am working on timing - which is proving more complicated as you'd think. You'd expect in Cinema 4D, putting an object in a cloner object would mean it fell at the same speed as another of the same object in a different cloner object, I have a horrible feeling this may not be the case because every time I edit the height of the ducks so they fall in accordance with each other - they change speed so they're out of time again.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Final Character design

FINALLY!! I have a character I actually like!

He's being animated tomorrow and then everything will be finished and ready to hand in. I still have a bit to do but since I ended up with this character I feel so much more optimistic about the ident and hand in and my morph and all the paperwork I'm going to print out.
 I want to get it all out of the way so I can mess about more with this character. I have big plans for this little duck, he's going to be falling into cocktail glasses with LOADS of his mates and he won't be harmed in the making of any of the said shorts. Anyhow, I'm still typing stuff up so I will get back to doing that. Just thought it would be a good idea to update this thingy.
On another note, my morph is being shot tomorrow too and another note I'm giving in my life model work tomorrow and hopefully it will all go smoothly.
Anyway, goodnight.