Friday 26 October 2012

Hopefully the internet will let me post something at long last...

It's been a while...

The internet has been stopping me from posting things, there are various reasons and other excuses that are basically just really frustratingly stupid. In any case I have a lot to post to catch 'you' up...

First of all I finally designed my character, I've named her Ava - these are the character design boards I have completed ready to be put onto mount boards to hand in on Friday.


I can't talk about some of my hidden secret projects until after christmas because they are top secret and involve people who could end up stumbling upon my plans by reading this. Ahahaha - so basically it involves christmas presents...

I can however comment on a project my Aunt and Grandma have set me, they have a cushion pattern upon which you embroider your own characters in a front profile and a back, they are actually rather lovely in the example photo so they have set me the task of designing the front and back views of four random characters of my own choice. Once I hand my modules in I will be able to work on this.

I have also managed to animate a very basic line test style walk cycle for Ava...
Which I will be uploading when the internet finally starts letting me upload my work.

Until then,


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